

Wikiseek and another new search engine

I love Wikipedia and I suspet I use it every day. Meanwhile, even when I do a Google search the top results generally include a Wikipedia entry. Now there is a new search engine for Wikipedia.
Wikiseek is a new search engine which indexes only results from Wikipedia and sites which are linked to or from Wikipedia.
Wikiseek is the first product from SearchMe, and plans a range of ‘long tail search engines’. The company claims that, because the results are limited to Wikipedia and sites linked to/from it, their search engine is far less susceptible to spam and SEO schemes (in fact, there may well be some duplicate content issues, since it is pulling content from Wikipedia, so SEO if you ask me).
On the plus side, the interface is clean and the tag cloud containing relevant Wikipedia categories is useful in refining your search.
The big problem with this search engine is the relevance of the results because when compared with results from the big three search engines, Wikiseek’s results are far less relevant.
I’m not sure how this fits into the whole 3D search thing that everyone seems to be talking about.

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