

Stuff to do this year

New Year Resolutions:

  1. Do more speaking gigs - at least six this year (two are already booked up). I am sure I get more out of the process than the delegates.
  2. Listen more to clients rather than telling them what I think they should do. In other words - just shut up.
  3. Do more writing - maybe even a book.
  4. Make social media a reality in every PR campaign - subject to point 2.
  5. Blog more than I have over the past few months - although I do write more here.
  6. Encourage colleagues and others to see the potential of Web2.0
  7. Maintain stable business. Keep staff. Keep Calm and Carry On.
  8. Network more in the real world - at least one meeting a week.
  9. Take one day off a week to do other stuff.
  10. Stop making resolutions I cannot maintain - except the banjo, ukele and guitar.
Oh, and get out of bed at 6.30 every morning and eat breakfast. I hate breakfast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are professional.. :D
nice post...
you have nice blog..
nice to meet you..
have a nice day.. :D