

New interest in pinterest

Pinterest has sort of crept up on us at GREEN but it looks set to become THE social network of 2012.
The web-based "pinboard," which launched almost two years ago, barely got a mention on the techy news sites until six months ago, when early adopters suddenly realised that the had site had millions of monthly users.
My initial reaction was not very positive when I first encountered and could briefly be summed up as NOT ANOTHER BLOODY SOCAIL NETWORK! But at GREEN we have been impressed by what Pinterest does and what the potential is for business.
Pinterest has grown a devoted base of users who enjoy "pinning" items they find around the Web. It’s really a simple concept.Think virtual scrapbook or bulletin board. If you find a photo of something you like online, you add it to one of your Pinterest boards.
Then all of your images are shared with Pinterest users from around the world. They can see your stuff, you can see theirs.
Where Pinterest win is that sharing on there involves less effort over time and that social sites are becoming more visual over time.
And the third is that "people-centric" recommendations are being augmented by "topic-centric" networks - which is to say that while Facebook lets you explore the Web through information shared by friends, newer social networks organise content by topics of interest which should be of real interest to business. I particularly like the “localism” of the site as “local” is where I think social networks will go this year.
Our friend and social media pioneer Steve Davis has done a very excellent SlideShare which we publish below.